Italy After the February 2013 Elections: What Future for Italy and Europe?

Event Date: 

Wednesday, April 10, 2013 - 12:00pm

ROLAND BENEDIKTER, European Foundation Fellow 2009-13; Orfalea Center visiting Research Scholar; The Europe Center, Stanford University

Roland Benedikter, Dr. Dr. Dr., is European Foundation Fellow 2009-13, in residence at the Orfalea Center for Global and International Studies as a Visiting Scholar with duties as the Foundation's Research Professor of Political Analysis, and Visiting Scholar 2009-10 at the Europe Center of Stanford University. He is co- author of Ernst Ulrich von Weizsäcker's "Report to the Club of Rome" 2003 (all three versions: English, German and Chinese), has edited and co-authored 14 books, published more than 100 essays in specialized international journals, and is currently working on three books: One about the "Global Systemic Shift. How to Read the Current Phase of Globalization?", one about "China: Situation and Perspectives of the New Global Power" and one about the "Cultural Psychology of the West. Paradigms and Politics in the USA and Europe in the era Barack Obama". Roland's previous teaching and research engagements include Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Turkey, Bulgaria, the US, the UK, Australia, and Peru.